NIV, The Message, Side-by-Side Bible, Compact, Imitation Leather, Blue/Green: Two Bible Versions Tog
by Zondervan
Results NIV, The Message, Side-by-Side Bible, Compact, Imitation Leather, Blue/Green: Two Bible Versions Tog
NIV NKJV SidebySide Bible Hardcover Two Bible ~ NIV NKJV SidebySide Bible Hardcover Two Bible Versions Together for Study and Comparison Zondervan on FREE shipping on qualifying offers If your translation of choice is the New International Version NIV and if you appreciate the New King James Version for its stylistic beauty
The Message Bible from Eugene Peterson ~ NIV and The Message SidebySide Bible Two Bible Versions Together for Study and Comparison Bonded Leather Black Large Print
NASB New American Standard Bibles ~ Bibles using the New American Standard Bible NASB translation
COMBAT MilTerms B ~ The emphasis of this educational reference is on words and phrases that appear in published works about war and military service and amongst this jargon and slang there is no pretense of objectivity or completeness which may be readily found in official documents or government resources
Technologies de linformation et de la communication ~ Histoire Après les premiers pas vers une société de linformation quont été lécriture puis limprimerie de grandes étapes ont été le télégraphe électrique puis le téléphone et la radiotéléphonieLinformatique a pris son essor grâce aux circuits imprimés les constructeurs dinformatique décentralisée innovant rapidement